Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Pacar Akrab Dengan Mantannya

“Si pacar berteman baik dengan mantannya dan masih sering hangout bareng. Wajar enggak sih merasa terganggu?”

Melihat pacar akrab banget dan sering hangout bareng mantannya, jelas akan menimbulkan rasa enggak nyaman bagi kita. Tapi, jangan sampai hal ini jadi hal yang mengancam kelangsungan hubungan kita dengan si pacar, atasi saja dengan cara ini.

Hindari Cemburu Berlebihan

Coba kendalikan emosi kita, jangan langsung cemburu berlebihan dan bertindak menyebalkan, apalagi sampai menyuruh memutuskan pertemuan. Bicarakan dengan kepala dingin dan minta penjelasan soal hubungan mereka. Bilang jujur kalau kita merasa terganggu dengan hubungan dia yang terlalu akrab dengan mantannya dan minta dia lebih bersimpati dengan posisi dan perasaan kita.

Bikin Perjanjian

Agar makin jelas, buatlah perjanjian dengan si pacar, seputar batasan-batasan. Misalnya, minta dia mengurangi frekuensi menghubungi si mantan, kecuali kalau hangout bareng teman-teman dan kita ikut hangout bareng. Beri juga batasan tentang sikap dan cara dia berbicara dengan mantannya kalau kita merasa hal itu terlalu mesra. Nah, biar adil, kita juga berjanji akan menghormati hubungan dia dan mantannya, selama dia mengikuti isi perjanjian.

Saling Percaya

Inti agar semuanya berjalan sukses adalah memperkuat rasa saling percaya antara kita dan dia. Tegaskan pada dia bahwa kita percaya penuh, kalau dia enggak akan punya hubungan lebih dari sekadar teman dan akan selalu memegang perjanjian yang sudah dibuat. Jadikan ini sebagai "kode" bagi dia agar selalu bertanggung jawab memegang kepercayaan yang kita kasih.

Dekatkan Diri

Untuk mengurangi rasa insecure kita, coba dekatkan diri dengan mantan dia. Buka hati, bersikap ramah dan ajaklah berteman dengan tulus. Kalau perlu jadikan dia teman curhat dan minta saran tentang si pacar. Kalau kita sukses berteman dengan dia, dia pasti akan menghargai posisi kita sebagai ceweknya si pacar

Monday, December 22, 2014

Enggak Boleh Pacaran Sama Orangtua

"Banyak cowok yang ngedeketin aku, tapi orangtua belum ngijinin aku buat pacaran. Ah, Kesaaal!"

Bikin sirik enggak, sih, ngeliat teman-teman yang udah pacaran sementara kita enggak, karena enggak diijinin? Enggak perlu putus asa. Ortu bikin larangan tentu ada alasannya dan ada beberapa cara untuk membuat mereka melunakkan aturan itu.

Mulai Memperbaiki Diri

Biasanya ortu melarang pacaran karena merasa kita masih terlalku muda dan belum siap dengan segala risiko pacaran. Jadi buktikan kalau kita bisa bertanggung jawab. Tunjukkan kalau kita sudah dewasa dan bisa melakukan banyak hal tanpa perlu pengawasan orangtua.

Tanya Alasan dan Bernegosiasi

Coba tanya alasan ortu kenapa melarang kita pacaran. Coba posisikan diri kita jadi orangtua, agar kita lebih berempati pada aturan mereka. Tanya juga apa kekhawatiran mereka kalau kita pacaran. Enggak ada salahnya kita juga cerita gimana teman-teman kita yang sudah pacaran dan ternyata mereka baik-baik saja. Kalau udah benar-benar pengin pacaran, coba bernegosiasi. Misalnya, aku pacaran akan ngenalin pacar sama ortu, janji nilai ulangan selalu bagus terus.

Tantang Gebetan Datang ke Rumah

Kalau ada gebetan yang benar-benar kita suka dan dia juga suka banget sama kita, coba tantang dia datang ke rumah kita. Bilang saja dia datang untuk belajar bareng atau balikin buku. Lalu perkenalkan dia sebagai teman. Lihat reaksi orangtua. Minta juga gebetan kita berkenalan atau ngobrol sama ortu kita. Sikap cowok yang berani, kadang bisa meluluhkan ortu, lho.

Perkenalkan Sebagai Teman

Orangtua sering khawatir dengan pergaulan remaja sekarang. Untuk mengurangi rasa khawatir itu, perkenalkan dia sebagai teman. Sering-sering ajak dia main ke rumah. Jadi orangtua bisa tahu kalau cowok yang pdkt sama kita itu memang baik.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Aargh... Cowok PHP

"Lagi deket sama satu cowok, tapi dia kayak enggak serius mau ngajak pacaran, nih. Aku harus gimana?"

Cowok PHP (Pemberi Harapan Palsu) memang bikin galau banget. Tapi, tenang... ada beberapa langkah yang bisa kita ikuti untuk mengobati rasa penasaran dan galau. Enggak mau, kan, status kita sama si dia jadi PHP alias Pernah Hampir Pacaran? Duh!

Pastikan Dulu

Biasanya, cowok PHP itu enggak mau serius karena berbagai hal. Ini dia beberapa tanda-tanda cowok PHP : tiba-tiba menghilang dan tiba-tiba muncul lagi, tiba-tiba membatalkan janji, enggak terlalu terbuka soal dirinya seperti mengenalkan kita ke teman-teman, dan perubahan sikap yang bisa mendadak baik banget kalau ada perlunya.

Cek Karakter

Setelah merasa beberapa tanda itu kita rasakan, coba pastikan lagi. Enggak ada salahnya buat memastikan lagi ke pihak ketiga, misal teman-temannya atau, mungkin kalau kita bisa menjangkau, cewek-cewek yang pernah digebetnya. Tanya soal karakter si gebetan kita ini. Jangan sampai kita salah paham dan salah tangkap. Siapa tahu dia sebenarnya baik dan tulus sama kita.

Kasih Kode

Eits... ini bukan berarti kita yang nembak si dia, ya. Kita memberi kode tentang hubungan kita. Apalagi kalau sudah lama banget dekat dengannya. Sudah punya nama panggilan sayang sendiri juga. Hmm, coba lontarkan pertanyaan seperti, "Sebenarnya, aku di mata kamu seperti apa, sih?"

Tetap Bertahan

Ternyata ada alasan tertentu di balik ketidakjelasan hubungan kita. Si dia lagi pengen fokus sama aktivitas sekolah atau hal-hal yang masih bisa kita maklumi. Jadi, enggak ada salahnya buat bertahan.

It's Time to Move On

Tapi kalau jawaban dari si dia seperti, "Status itu enggak penting, yang penting kita sama-sama sayang," dan bagi kita itu masih bikin galau, mending enggak perlu berharap banyak. Kalau dia beneran sayang dan serius sama kita, dia pasti akan memperjelas status kita.

PDKT Sama Cowok Enggak Peka

"Gimana sih caranya ngedeketin cowok yang enggak peka sama sekali?"

Cowok enggak peka memang bikin gemes. Kita udah berusaha sekuat tenaga, tapi teteeep aja dia diam dan cuek sama kita. Eits, jangan patah semangat, girls. Dengan cara yang tepat, kita bisa kok bikin cowok enggak peka jadi sadar sama kehadiran kita dan tertarik sama kita.

Pastikan Perasaannya

Cari tahu alasan dia enggak peka karena cuek atau enggak tertarik sama kita. Jika memang cuek, kita bisa lanjut PDKT. Tapi kalau dia enggak tertarik, enggak ada salahnya berhenti PDKT dan mencari gebetan lain.

Take First Move

Jika suka sama cowok yang enggak peka, kita harus berani mengambil langkah pertama. Beranikan diri menyapa dan mengajaknya mengobrol jika ada kesempatan. Pokoknya, tinggalkan kesan positif di dirinya dan pastikan dia mengenal kita.

Masuk ke Lingkungannya

PDKT akan lebih mudah jika kita berada di lingkungan yang sama. Karena itu, kita bisa masuk ke lingkungan pertemanan yang sama dengannya, seperti mengenal teman-temannya atau gabung di ekskul yang sama.

Percaya Diri

Lemparkan jokes andalan setiap kali berada di dekatnya. Dengan membuatnya tertawa, pasti dia akan sadar dengan kehadiran kita. Yang penting adalah sampaikan dengan penuh percaya diri. Jangan lupa jaga eye contact juga.

Berhenti Main Kode

Cowok tipe ini enggak akan mempan dengan kode-kode yang kita berikan. Dia akan lebih cepat sadar jika kita bersikap terus terang. Daripada bilang "Duh, bahan ujian Fisika besok susah banget, nih", lebih baik ajak langsung untuk belajar bareng. Jadi, kitra dapat tambahan waktu untuk PDKT, deh. Enggak usah khawatir, soalnya cowok suka kagum, lho, sama cewek yang berani mengajak duluan. Selain itu, jika kita sering mengajaknya duluan, cowok bisa sadar kalau kita suka sama dia.

Bingung Sama Sikap Cowok

Okay, this month I'll talk about love, love, and love. So check it out!

"Teman cowok aku sering godain aku dan manggil dengan panggilan sayang, tapi jadiannya sama cewek lain, Setelah jadian, dia tetep kayak gitu. Sebenernya dia suka enggak sama aku?"

Sikap cowok memang suka bikin bingung. Apalagi jika dia memberi kode kalau suka sama kita, Eh ternyata, dia malah jadian sama cewek lain di saat kita sudah berharap banyak. Ada banyak cara yang bisa kita lakukan untuk mencari tahu apa, sih, maksud dia yang sebenernya.

Lihat Keadaan

Sebelum berharap terlalu banyak, lihat sikap dia ke cewek lain. Apa ada cewek lain yang dipanggil dengan panggilan sayang seperti yang dia lakukan ke kita? Mungkin saja memang sifatnya yang suka akrab dengan cewek-cewek.

Tanya Langsung

Jika hanya kepada kita dia bersikap seperti itu, sebaiknya bertanya langsung kepadanya. Apa, sih, alasan dia memanggil kita dengan panggilan sayang? Jika dia menjawab sambil bercanda, jangan ditanggapi dengan serius. Lagipula, sekarang dia sudah punya pacar, jadi kita enggak perlu terlalu berharap, deh.

Perhatikan Sikap Kita

Mungkin saja dulu dia memang suka sama kita, tapiii sikap kita yang terlalu cuek membuat dia memilih untuk mundur. Atau mungkin ada sikap atau perkataan kita yang tidak kita sadari membuat dia mengambil kesimpulan kalau kita enggak suka sama dia. Jadi, dia pun batal PDKT lebih lanjut, deh.

Ingatkan Dengan Tegas

Setelah dia jadian dengan cewek lain tapi masih memanggil kita dengan panggilan sayang, tentunya membuat kita merasa risih. Selain itu, pacarnya mungkin akan cemburu dan enggak suka dengan kita. Daripada kehidupan kita di sekolah jadi enggak tenang, lebih baik ingatkan dengan tegas kalau kita enggak mau mendengar panggilan itu lagi. Menjaga jarak untuk sementara waktu juga bisa dilakukan, agar tahu kalau kita serius.


Hey ya! I'm back with my popcorn! lol

I'm selling popcorn with 5 flavors;

  1. Caramel
  2. Butter
  3. Keju
  4. Jagung Bakar
  5. Balado

Price; 100g/12000 

Trust me, it's good!

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Sunday Service November, 9th 2014 - God's Normal (Part 3)

Okay, today is our last part about God's Normal.
Today's preacher was Joe Sentoso!

It is not easy to love somebody who is not perfect tapi Tuhan bisa menerima dan mengampuni kita eventho' kita udah melakukan dosa berulang-ulang kali. How can I know apa yang Tuhan mau buat kita?

Kita hidup dan lahir dari keluarga yang berbeda. Mungkin apa yang normal for my family, ga normal buat keluarga kalian. Keluarga saya mungkin berbeda dengan keluarga kalian.

Matius 22:36-39
Perintah yang paling penting dan utama di dalam hukum agama
"Cintailah Tuhan Allah mu dengan sepenuh hati mu dan segenap jiwa mu dan seluruh akal mu"
"To love your God with all your heart, with all your mind and with all your soul"

"Cintailah sesama mu seperti engkau mencintai dirimu sendiri"

If you love God, you'll love yourself and you must love your neighbor. Maybe some people think that cheating is okay, why? Karena kalian berada di lingkungan yang berpikir bahwa cheating is okay.

Kita mencontek, kita ga bakal tau apakah kita menyakiti Tuhan apa engga, tapi kita tetap saja melakukan hal tersebut. Ya kecuali kalau kalian dalam satu kelas think that cheating is okay, than is okay for you and your friends, but kalo dalam satu kelas think that cheating is not fair, than cheating is not fair. Apakah kalian juga mau dicontek? Tentu tidak.

Another example, kalo pacaran, mungkin kalian think that pacaran sama 2 orang sekaligus okay, tapi apakah kalian tahu bahwa hal tersebut secara tak langsung akan menyakiti mereka? Tentu saja akan menyakiti hati Tuhan juga. Apakah kalo pacar kalian itu juga punya pacar lain dan kalian akan menerimanya? Kalau tidak, janganlah juga kalian melakukan itu.

Kalo kita berbohong, dan teman kita tahu hal tersebut? Will they like it? Of course no, then don't do that.

How can I know what's normal for God? 

Ask Him. 

Apakah saya lakuin hal ini akan nyakitin Tuhan? Apakah hal ini akan nyakitin temen saya atau diri saya?

Kalian bisa nanya atau cerita ke temen-temen kalian atau ke kakak mentor mungkin di gereja kalian atau guru, tentang keluarga, misalnya "saya terlahir di keluarga seperti ini, keluarga yg tidak harmonis dan bagi saya, jika papa atau mama saya berantem atau memukul saya itu sudah biasa, bagaimana pendapatmu? Apakah hal tersebut normal buat kalian?"

That's why for my church a.k.a. JPCC, small group is really important, to share about our life or our problem.

Join us in JPCC Youth and be our family! Let's grow up together!

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Sunday Service November, 2nd 2014 - God's Normal (Part 2)

Hi Guys! Now, we'll talk about God's Normal part 2!
Okay, today's preacher was Kenny Goh, one of our beloved and single Youth Pastor! \m/

                                "What is normal for us may not be normal for God"

The example;
If we had a bad score or we did something wrong, what's normal for us is that our parents will angry or scold us. But, if our parents just give us an advice or they're not angry to us, then we'll think that's weird. They suppose to be angry or scold us, but they don't do that.

Another example;
God's response if we did something wrong or God's response to our sin, is God forgives us.

But people nowadays will scold or they will alienate us. 

Yang normal buat kita, belum tentu normal buat Tuhan.
If you say "YES" to living a-God-Normal-life.. Be ready!!! It will never be easy, but let's do it together!!!
"I'm so blessed to invest my time at jpccyouth.. This is my home.."
So join with us!

Friday, October 31, 2014

Hillsong Church

Hillsong Church

While headquartered at its "Hills" location in Baulkham Hills' Norwest Business Park in the Hills District of Sydney, Hillsong is a multi-site church with campuses in Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, Newcastle, Gold Coast and Noosa. Its second campus, designated as the "City" campus, is located in Waterloo, near Sydney's central business district. In 2009, a third Sydney campus, "South West", located in Campbelltown and a fourth interstate location, the "Brisbane" campus in Mount GravattQueensland were added. In 2012 it was announced that a fifth campus, also interstate, was to be opened in late 2012 or early 2013 in MelbourneVictoria. Additionally, Hillsong Church currently has 12 extension services across Sydney.Hillsong Church is a Pentecostal megachurch affiliated with Australian Christian Churches (the Australian branch of the Assemblies of God) and located in SydneyNew South Wales, Australia. The church was founded in 1983 when the Sydney Christian Life Centre at Waterloo, which was established by Frank Houston, merged with the Hills Christian Life Centre inBaulkham Hills, established by his son, Brian Houston.
Hillsong Church's international offshoots include Hillsong Church London in the United Kingdom, Hillsong Church Kiev in Ukraine, Hillsong Church Cape Townand Hillsong Church Pretoria in South Africa, Hillsong Church Stockholm in Sweden and Hillsong NYC in New York, United States. Hillsong services are also held in Hillsong Church Paris in Paris, France, Hillsong Connect Group Lyon in Lyon, Hillsong Church Germany in Konstanz and Düsseldorf, Hillsong Church Amsterdam in Amsterdam, Hillsong Barcelona in Barcelona, Hillsong Church Copenhagen in Copenhagen, Hillsong Church Moscow in Moscow and Hillsong Church in Los Angeles.
Hillsong Music has topped Australian charts, with albums having achieved gold and platinum sales status. Hillsong is well-known through its teaching, album sales and annual Hillsong Conference. According to the church, over 30,000 people attend services each week.
DenominationAustralian Christian Churches
Senior pastor(s)Brian and Bobbie Houston


Brian and Bobbie Houston moved from New Zealand in 1978 and joined the Sydney Christian Life Centre in Darlinghurst, pastored by Brian Houston's father, Frank Houston.They started Hillsong Church, which was then known as Hills Christian Life Centre, in August 1983 with services held at the Baulkham Hills Public School hall and with an initial congregation of 45. In 1990, the church moved from "the warehouse", which they had occupied since 1984, to hold services at the Hills Centre. In 1986, an annual conference was developed, now called Hillsong Conference.
Early Hills Christian Life Centre logo
In the early 1990s, praise and worship recordings from the Hills Christian Life Centre were released in Australia and internationally under the name Hillsong. The name is also used for a television show featuring clips from the videos of the recordings and a message from Brian Houston. In 1997 the church moved into its new building at Baulkham Hills' Norwest Business Park.
In the late 1990s the church realised that the name Hillsong was more well-known than Hills Christian Life Centre due to the branding of its recordings. The church was renamed Hillsong Church in 1999, about the same time its mother church, Sydney Christian Life Centre, was merged into Hillsong Church.
A new convention centre at the church's "Hills" location, was opened on 19 October 2002 by John Howard, the then Prime Minister of Australia. Due to the growth of the "City" location, in 2007 the church announced its intentions to develop a significant area of land on Rothschild Avenue, Rosebery into the new "City" location. In August 2008, Hillsong withdrew the development application they had lodged with the Sydney City Council after an independent report recommended against the council approving the development. In August 2009 it was announced that the site was for sale. Since then, Hillsong has opened up another City location in Alexandria.


In the 1990s, Kiev Christian life Centre, now Hillsong Kiev, and London Christian Life Centre, now Hillsong London, wereplanted from the Hillsong Church as independent churches. When Hills Christian Life Centre changed its name to Hillsong Church the international churches also did so.
Hillsong London have planted extension services in Surrey and in Paris. In March 2007, Hillsong Kiev planted an offshoot church in Moscow, which started regular services in July 2007. It was announced in October 2007 that Phil and Lucinda Dooley would plant a Hillsong Church in South Africa in March 2008. Hillsong StockholmSweden, formerly known as Passion Church, was planted in 2008-2009. The senior pastor at Stockholm is Andreas Nielsen.
As Hillsong has grown, other churches have joined and new churches established as extension services. Extension services are also held for cultural groups in other languages. These extension services are run by a team of people but look to Hillsong Church for leadership and support and join the vision of the church. There are currently 15 extension services across Sydney, many of which join with the "Hills" and "City" congregations for Sunday night services. In September 2007, Brian Houston's son Ben planted the 15th extension service in Mona Vale, known as the Northern Beaches service. In August 2008, Hillsong started a Sunday morning service at the Greater Union Cinema at Bondi Junction, this service being part of the City location.


Hillsong is affiliated with Australian Christian Churches (the Assemblies of God in Australia), which belongs within thePentecostal tradition of Christianity. The church's beliefs are Evangelical and Pentecostal in that it holds the Bible as accurate and authoritative in matters of faith and that Jesus Christ reconciled humanity to God through his death andresurrection. The church believes that in order to live a fruitful Christian life a person should seek the baptism in the Holy Spirit and that the Holy Spirit enables the use of spiritual gifts, which include speaking in tongues.
Hillsong's stand on many topical issues in contemporary Christianity is in keeping with mainstream Pentecostalism opposing embryonic stem cell research and abortion on the basis that human life commences at conception. Hllsong has also declared support for Creationism and Intelligent Design and believes this should be taught in schools. It also believes that homosexuality is contrary to biblical teaching but emphasizes that it does not condemn homosexuals.
Hillsong's prosperity teachings have been criticised by Christian leaders Tim Costello and George Pell. Subsequent statements by Tim Costello indicated that he was satisfied with changes made by Brian Houston to Hillsong's teaching in response to criticism, a change which has been noted by the media. Hillsong's teachings have been commented on favourably by Peter Costello, Tim Costello's brother, also a Baptist and a former Treasurer of Australia who has defended the church against accusations of unorthodoxy.


The senior pastors of Hillsong Church are currently Brian and Bobbie Houston. They have been the pastors of the church since it was founded by Brian Houston in 1983.
Hillsong Church is also governed by a board of elders. The elders lead the church spiritually as well as act as a board of directors. The members of "The Hillsong Eldership" are senior executive staff and business leaders from Hillsong's congregation. Elders are appointed for one year renewable terms. Leadership positions are made by appointment.


Hillsong Church runs many different ministries in addition to weekend services and events. Hillsong, like other churches, runs a small group structure named "connect groups". Groups of approximately 10-20 people meet on a fortnightly basis across Sydney. The main ministries of Hillsong Church include :
Hillsong Convention Centre in theNorwest Business Park

Hillsong Kids

Hillsong Kids is the children's ministry of Hillsong Church. The church provides a children's program for all weekend services and for the Hillsong Sisterhood. Hillsong Kids is divided into five age groups for each weekend service, they are:
  • Cubby House (12 months and walking to 3 year olds)
  • The Ark (Preschoolers; 4 and 5 year olds)
  • Fun House (Kindergarten to year 2)
  • All Stars (Years 3 and 4)
  • Voltage (Years 5 and 6)
Hillsong Kids runs children's programs during major conferences and events. During the Hillsong Conference there is "Kidsong" and during the Colour Your World Women's Conference there is "Colour Kids". Hillsong Kids have adopted two mascots, Max and Melody. The popularity of Hillsong Music has allowed Hillsong Kids to release seven albums to date:Jesus Is My Superhero (2004), Super Strong God (2005), Supernatural (2006), Tell the World (2007), Follow You (2008),Ultimate Kids Collection (2009) and Crazy Noise (2011).

Hillsong United

When Hillsong Church started in 1983, known as Hills Christian Life Centre, a youth group was established. The first youth pastor was 
Darko Culjak who was a Bible college student at the time. Donna Crouch was appointed as an assistant in late 1984 due to the expansion of the youth group. Donna Crouch became the youth leader in 1987. John King was then appointed as an assistant Youth Pastor. Phil and Lucinda Dooley became youth pastors in 1996 when the youth formed two age groups, Wildlife and Powerhouse. After a revival at the 1998 summer camp, the youth ministry began to have "United Nights" when both age groups came together. This is where the name of the youth ministry, Hillsong United, came from. When Sydney Christian Life Centre became the "City Campus" of Hillsong Church, they adopted the Hillsong United youth format, as have all extension services. In 2007, Paul and Andi Andrew became the new youth pastors, as Phil and Lucinda Dooley moved to Cape Town, South Africa to form what is today Hillsong Cape Town. The current Youth Pastors of Hillsong are Nick and Sarah Khiroya. It started with Brian Houston.Hillsong United is a youth ministry of two different age groups that meet separately but have "United" nights when they come together. The different age groups are; Fuel for grade 7 through 9 grade and Wildlife for grades 10 through 12.

Hillsong Sisterhood

Hillsong Church runs a meeting for women entitled the Sisterhood. The service, hosted by Bobbie Houston, is for women of all ages. Hillsong Sisterhood runs on Thursdays at the Hills and City locations. Hillsong Sisterhood initiated the annual Colour Your World Women's Conference, which has become the Australian Christian Churches women's conference and brings together women from many different denominations across the world.

Hillsong City Care

Hillsong City Care (formerly Hillsong Emerge) is a non-profit organisation that aims to bring "social justice" to the people of Sydney. Overseeing Hillsong City Care is Hillsong Church executive pastor Donna Crouch. Around Sydney, there are many Hillsong City Care Centres and Hillsong Health Centres. These centres are places that people can go to for help, support and also counselling. Hillsong Youth Services and Hillsong Children's Services conduct a range of community based programs and services to encourage and empower young people and children. Hillsong City Care run several courses through the LIFE (Living in Freedom and Excellence) and SAFE (Sexual Abuse, Freedom and Education) programs that aim to help and educate people.
In July 2008, concerns were raised by some teachers, parents and experts about the Hillsong City Care Shine program for girls being run in New South Wales public schools, community groups and the juvenile justice system. The concerns include that the program is "inappropriate for troubled young women, that the under-qualified facilitators are reinforcing gender stereotypes and that some parents have not been properly informed" and that "the program encourages girls to be subservient by teaching them that they need to be attractive to men". Hillsong claims that parents are supportive and that the program breaks down barriers in a group situation. In a media response on 29 July 2008, Hillsong expressed strong support for their program and explicitly denied charges of using the program for evangelism.


Hillsong Church has a well-recognised music ministry with songs such as "Power of Your Love" by Geoff Bullock and "Shout to the Lord" by Darlene Zschech sung in churches worldwide. Originally published as "Hillsongs", Hillsong Church now produces its music through its own label, Hillsong Music Australia. Hillsong Music has released over 40 albums since 1992, many of them achieving gold status in Australia and one of them, People Just Like Us, achieving platinum status. The church's 2004 live praise and worship album For All You've Done reached No. 1 in the mainstream Australian album charts (ARIA).
Hillsong's most successful albums, the Live Album Series, lead by Darlene Zschech and Reuben Morgan, have all achieved gold status in Australia and, since the inception in 1992 of the annual live praise and worship albums, Hillsong has branched out and released other albums including the worship series Hillsong United, Hillsong Kids, Hillsong London, Christmas albums and compilation albums. The Live Album Series are recorded at the Sydney campus(es) and then edited and produced by Hillsong Music Australia. The worship series began as a compilation of songs and developed into studio recorded albums. The Hillsong United series and the Hillsong United band led by Joel Houston, contains songs from theHillsong United youth ministry. Hillsong Kids has released an annual worship for kids album since 2004. Hillsong Music has released two Christmas albums, several compilation albums as well as recordings from Hillsong London, Hillsong Kiev andYouth Alive. To help take Hillsong Music mainstream an agreement with Warner Music Australia took place in 1999. In 2003Sony Music Australia also signed with Hillsong Music to take the group even more mainstream.
Geoff Bullock served as Hillsong's first worship pastor. Darlene Zschech led Hillsong's music ministries as worship pastor from 1995 until 2008. Reuben Morgan is currently the worship pastor.
On 24 October 2010, it was announced that Darlene Zschech and her husband, Mark, would be taking over as senior pastors at Church Unlimited in Charmhaven on the central coast region of New South Wales, effective as of 23 January 2011. As of December 2011, Hillsong has sold more than 12 million records across the globe, following its first release in 1991 and a quarter of all contemporary songs heard in Australian churches in 2011 were written by Hillsong.
In September 2012, Hillsong produced The Global Project, a collection of their most popular songs released in nine different languages including Spanish, Portuguese, Korean, Mandarin, Indonesian, German, French, Swedish and Russian.


A documentary titled Hillsong – Let Hope Rise directed by Michael John Warren will be released by Warner Bros. during the 2015 Easter weekend.


Inside Hillsong Church
Hillsong Church holds three conferences annually.
The Hillsong Conference is an annual conference. Conferences are usually held during the first week of July at Allphones Arena in Sydney Olympic Parkand are hosted by Brian and Bobbie Houston with worship led by the Hillsong Team.
The Colour Your World Women's Conference (also known as the Colour Conference) is an annual women's conference. The conferences were started in 1997 by Bobbie Houston, who hosts each conference, including the ones in London and Kiev.
The Hillsong Men's Conference was first held in 2002 and is hosted by Brian Houston at the Hillsong Convention Centre in Baulkham Hills.

Hillsong International Leadership College

Under the banner of Hillsong Church, the training offered by Hillsong International Leadership College includes "leadership" training, "contemporary" praise and worship and specialised youth, children's and "media" ministries. Since January 2006 the college, in association with Alphacrucis (formerly Southern Cross College), has offered the Bachelor of Theology degree of the Sydney College of Divinity (with a major in pastoral theology).

Political influence

Hillsong Church has attracted support from high profile politicians, especially from the Liberal Party of Australia. In 1998, Brian Houston met with then Prime Minister of Australia, John Howard, and most of his Cabinet, at Parliament House inCanberra before sharing prayers. In 2002, John Howard opened the Hillsong Convention Centre at the Baulkham Hills location. In 2004 and 2005, the then Treasurer of AustraliaPeter Costello, spoke at its annual conferences. Mark Latham, the former Leader of the Opposition, declined Hillsong's invitation to the 2004 conference, although Bob Carr, the then Premier of New South Wales (from the Australian Labor Party), did attend the 2005 conference.
Liberal MP for Mitchell, Alan Cadman, and two Family First Party senate candidates, Joan Woods and Ivan Herald, who failed to win senate seats, were featured in a Hillsong circular during the election, with members being asked to pray for them.
Hillsong's high profile involvement with political leaders has been questioned in the media, and publicly, the church has distanced itself from advocating certain political groups and parties, including the fledgling Family First party. Brian Houston has replied to these criticisms by stating, "I think people need to understand the difference between the church being very involved in politics and individual Christians being involved in politics."
In 2008 it was claimed by a Sydney inner city newspaper, Central Magazine, that Hillsong had donated A$600 to a Member of Parliament, Kristina Keneally, for the tickets of a fundraising dinner, featuring the New South Wales' Planning Minister, Frank Sartor, as a guest speaker one month before the 2007 state election, despite Hillsong's own statement of corporate governance declaring that 'Hillsong Church does not make financial contributions to or align itself with any political party or candidate'. A Hillsong staff member, Maria Ieroianni, claimed that no donation had been made and that the dinner was not a fundraiser. Hillsong also issued a statement on their website denying that the money was a donation. According to the Central Magazine article, Keneally has described the dinner as a fundraiser and the money from Hillsong as a donation. The article also claims that these descriptions are confirmed by the records of the Electoral Commission.


Hillsong has been criticised at various times for its understanding of the Christian faith and has also been censured for unethical conduct. Concerns have been expressed by politicians, media, community groups, Christian leaders and former members. Criticisms have covered Hillsong's use of finances, its ties to controversial organisations, its treatment of critics and its alleged involvement in vote stacking of the Australian Idol TV show.

Criticism of finances

Pushes for a charity commission in Australia have stemmed from claims that religious organisations like Hillsong pay their staff in fringe benefits. Criticisms have been levelled at Hillsong in regard to its finances, especially its use of government grants when it reportedly made $40 million in 2004 and $50 million in 2010. It was alleged that Hillsong had paid staff members with money given as a government grant for the assistance of the Riverstone Aboriginal community. This appears to have been refuted by letters of apology, published on the Hillsong website, from both the Riverstone Aboriginal Community and from the Minister of Justice and Customs.

Frank Houston sexual abuse of boys

Frank Houston sexually abused a seven-year-old boy, which came to light after his mother reported the abuse to another church. The victim told the Royal Commission into the Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse that Frank Houston offered him $10,000 Australian dollars as compensation. Frank Houston eventually confessed to the crime. The Commission also heard that Frank Houston was involved in the sexual abuse of other children in New Zealand. Frank Houston, resigned from the Hillsong Church in 2000.

Involvement with controversial organisations

Hillsong has been criticised for its involvement with Gloria Jean's Coffees and Mercy Ministries, an evangelical charity with a similar stance on abortion and the former perspective on sexuality issues. Complaints by former residents of Mercy Ministries include "emotionally cruel and medically unproven techniques", such as exorcism and residents being required to sign over social welfare payments to Mercy Ministries. Hillsong responded by praising the work of Mercy Ministries and stating that "we are not involved in the operational aspects of the organization." The church also said: "We have heard many wonderful testimonies about how the work of Mercy has helped the lives of young women facing often debilitating and life-controlling situations. Some would even say that Mercy Ministries has saved their life." Mercy Ministries was closed down on 31 Oct 2009, preceding which Hillsong had distanced itself from the organisation despite earlier funding and staffing elements of it.

Criticism from a former member

Hillsong's attitude towards criticism was portrayed negatively by one former member Tanya Levin in her book People in Glass Houses: An Insider's Story of a Life In and Out of Hillsong. Specific criticisms covered authoritarian church governance, lack of financial accountability, resistance to free thought, strict fundamentalist teachings and lack of compassion. In an interview with Andrew Denton, Levin further discussed her experience of Hillsong, which she described as "toxic Christianity".

Alleged vote stacking in Australian Idol

In 2007 Hillsong was alleged to have been involved in vote stacking Australian Idol, a claim the TV show rejected. However, some Hillsong members and former members indicated that some co-ordinated support of church members on Australian Idol has taken place.

Michael Guglielmucci cancer scandal

On 20 August 2008, Michael Guglielmucci, a pastor who composed "Healer" from the album This Is Our God - a song about his experience of cancer - admitted he had lied about ever having cancer. Hillsong leadership told the press they were unaware of this situation and that the suspended pastor was seeking professional help. The ACC promised that all money donated by listeners inspired by the song would either be returned or donated to charity.

Stance on homosexuality and same-sex marriage

In 2014, Brian Houston discussed being more understanding of gay people. Later, he clarified his position after being criticised by some Christians for allegedly supporting homosexuality. In a statement released on Hillsong's website, he stated: "Nowhere in my answer did I diminish biblical truth or suggest that I or Hillsong Church supported gay marriage."

Sumber : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hillsong_Church